Webinars & Agtech Meetups
Addressing Soil Acidity Challenges: Lime & Calcium Remediation in Row Crops
Growers are increasingly facing soil acidification after years of Ammonium Nitrate buildup. Hear first-hand from independent CCA Trevor Thornton & grower Spokane Hutterian on how they're on track to improve yields by rebalancing their soil & pH levels.

The Swiss Army knife of Digitizing Crop Loads
Joint webinar with innov8.ag, Green Atlas, Enza: T&G Global, & Fruition Horticulture. Take a deeper dive into digitizing crop loads with innov8.ag & Fruition use cases derived from Green Atlas. Hear a grower testimony and their use from our many use cases.

Unlocking Yield Potential & More
Learn more about yield & bloom estimations, fruit sizing, fruit color and canopy- height/area/density mapping through the Green Atlas Cartographer. Better understand innov8.ag data driven use cases and hear personally from the creators of the Cartographer alongside Taggares COO, Rachel Noah.

Rural Connectivity: Emerging Options for Farms Webinar
Explore the options of connectivity for growers in rural areas such as LoRa, 5G/CBRS, Wifi6, TV white space, and Starlink. Hear personally from a grower that previously struggled with connectivity and how he has taken initiative on his 9,000 acre farm.

Imagery Analysis with Green Atlas
Watch this exciting webinar revolved around a newly formed relationship between innov8.ag and GreenAtlas where we discuss state of the arch imagery analysis that can help inform growers about growth stages, pests, irrigation, and crop yields for apples, nuts, and grapes.

Saving on Chemical Usage with SmartGuided Systems
This webinar discusses how the use of SmartGuided Systems Smart Sprayer allows growers to reduce pesticide use by 47-73%. Learn more on how our company's data integrates with equipment like this to save growers money on chemical usage, labor, and overall saves valuable time!